EUROoC 2019the first conference of the European Organ on Chip Society

To unite Organ-on-Chip research in Europe, this meeting consolidates two initiatives, the European Organ-onChip Conference (EUROoC) and the International Organ-on-Chip Conference (IOOCS). In 2018, the EUROoC attracted more than 100 delegates and featured 5 keynote speakers (2 from the US and 3 from Europe), highlevel oral presentations and engaging discussions during the poster sessions around the emerging technologies of microphysiological systems and Organ-on-Chip. It took place at the Fraunhofer IGB in Stuttgart and was organized by Maria Tenje (Uppsala University), Peter Loskill (Fraunhofer IGB/ University of T¨ubingen), Alexander Mosig (Jena University Hospital) and Torsten Mayr (Graz University of Technology). The IOOCS organized by Albert van den Berg (University of Twente), Christine Mummery (Leiden University Medical Center and University of Twente) and Janny van den Eijnden-van Raaij (hDMT) was first held in Enschede in 2015 and again in 2017 in Lausanne. Both IOOCS meetings attracted renowned international speakers and more than 100 delegates. In light of growing enthusiasm for Organ-on-Chip research, the European Organ-on-Chip Society (EUROoCS) was launched during the IOOCS in Eindhoven in November 2018 as an outcome of the H2020 FET Open-CSA ORCHID. Rather than continuing as independent meetings which might be hard for you as delegates to choose between, the organizers decided, to combine the two. We are proud now to welcome you
to the annual EUROoCS Conference, the first of our society

The aim of the EUROoC conference series is to gather the research leaders in the emerging field organs-on-chip (OoC) with a special focus on young and upcoming scientists. The extremely interdisciplinary field of OoC research is rapidly growing while new and innovative systems are constantly being developed. However, a variety of engineering challenges are remaining, which the OoC field has to address as a whole to enable a sustainable growth of this breakthrough technology. Hence, we launched this scientific meeting focused on the scientific challenges in the process of designing, fabricating, and implementing microphysiological cell culture systems. EUROoC addressing topics such as microfabrication of 3D matrices, integration of miniaturised sensors, microfluidic interfacing, cellular engineering, parallelization and automation. The EUROOC meeting series provides a platform for an interdisciplinary exchange. Such a focused meeting series is needed as the research field by nature is very diverse, spanning topics such as developmental biology, drug delivery, 3D cell cultures, organoids, organ-specific models and regulatory aspects.

Our goal is that the  EUROOC meeting series will become the natural meeting place for the European organ-on-chip researcher community. We will especially invite group leaders in the organ-on-chip field and encourage them to bring their students to the meeting. It is our ambition that this conference series will become an annually event for researchers at all levels, where PhD students and PIs have the opportunity to present and discuss their work in oral and poster presentations. The program will be highlighted by 5 keynote lectures from renown experts in the field and allow ample time for networking in a relaxed and social atmosphere.

Conference format:

  • Two-day meeting
  • 6 keynote lectures
  • 4 parallel sessions
  • 4 selected talks (30 min.) from the submitted abtracts
  • 28 oral presentations (20 min)
  • Poster presentations
  • Evening reception with dinner, beer and Styrian wine for intensive discussion and networking

We are looking forwad meeting you in at the EUROoC 2019 in Graz!

The organisers!